You don’t have time for breakdowns. Install the FS-2500 bypass oil filter on your truck & avoid costly breakdowns. The FS-2500 bypass oil filter reduces engine wear & dramatically increases oil drain intervals.
You don’t have time for breakdowns. Install the FS-2500 bypass oil filter on your truck & avoid costly breakdowns. The FS-2500 bypass oil filter reduces engine wear & dramatically increases oil drain intervals.
Save up to $3K/year by going from
12 oil changes to
Complete the form at the bottom of the page to take advantage of a $100 discount & get the FS-2500 independent efficiency test results from IBR Laboratories
Keep on driving past those truck stop service stations. Stay on the road for 80,000+ miles between oil changes.
FS-2500 displaces just 1.5 quarts of oil. Users report adding 12,000 – 50,000+ additional miles between drains.
FS-2500 customers are loyal for a reason: The FS-2500 bypass filter saves OTR drivers serious time & money by extending oil life and by adding extra years of engine life by postponing engine overhauls & engine replacements indefinitely.
No matter what kind of engine you’re running on the road, you’ll save some serious cash.
90% of wear in diesel engines is caused by particles between 2 & 7 microns in size. Conventional full-flow filters only capture particles 35 – 40 microns in size. A full-flow filter simply cannot keep up with the lubrication requirements of your engine.
The FS-2500 oil bypass filtration system is designed to capture particles down to 1 micron with >98% efficiency.
✔ FACT: Oil never really wears out, it just gets contaminated. Without the FS-2500, full-flow filters simply allow damaging contaminants to pass through your engine.
✖ FICTION: All bypass oil filters are the same. That’s simply not true. Most companies claim to remove contaminants between 1 & 2 microns in size, but cannot back up their claims. Ask for 3rd party independent lab test results to back up the claim!
✔ FACTs: The FS-2500 bypass oil filtration system:
“Here at Elm Transit, Inc. we have used the FS-2500 Filtration System since 1998, and we love it. Before we bought the system for our 20 trucks, we changed our oil every 10,000 to 12,000 miles. Now, with the FS-2500 we change oil every 50,000 miles. The FS-2500 is saving us over $1,100.00 per truck per year. That kind of money adds up really quick. Before we bought the FS-2500, we asked Caterpillar their opinion of the system. They came out and told us that the FS-2500 would not give us any benefit at all. Boy, were they wrong. Not only are we saving a ton of money using the FS-2500, but also our oil sample reports are showing us that our engines should last us a lot longer than they would without the system installed. I guess that’s why Caterpillar did not want us to use the FS-2500. If you want to save money on your operating costs and control soot in your engines like never before, you need to call Filtration Solutions today, the FS-2500 really works.”
Bandy Bernard, Elm Transit, Springfield, IL
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