People who rely on the FS-2500 know first-hand – vehicle manufacturers and oil companies don’t like our bypass oil filter’s results.
The following oil analysis reports and graphs illustrate the ability of the FS-2500 to control soot and stop wear in your engines dead in its tracks.
One of the foremost reasons for considering a bypass filtration system is soot removal. Unfortunately, too few bypass filters on the market have little if any efficacy on soot removal. The FS-2500 is the exception to that rule. Here we have an oil analysis report from Bi State Development Agency, it was taken from a Cummins ISM engine in a Metro Transit Bus (arguably the worst environment for soot production by diesel engines).
The FS-2500 was installed on this bus in August of 2002. Prior to installation the soot measured 3.60%. As you can see, after the FS-2500 was installed the soot is reduced at every oil sample taken. The last sample, taken on February 26, 2003 shows soot at its lowest level to date: 1.50%. That is nearly a 60% reduction in soot.
Bi State had been using centrifugal bypass filters before using the FS-2500. Although they could see residue inside the centrifuge every time it was serviced, the maximum soot reduction they recorded in one year of use was a very disappointing 2.5%.If controlling soot in your diesel engine is important to you, you need the FS-2500. The FS-2500…proven to remove soot!
This oil sample is from a Detroit Series 60 engine with 578,000 miles on it. This oil sample is exceptional in two ways. First, this sample has 80,000 miles on it and the soot at 80,000 miles is a mere 0.3% by volume. What is the soot on your Detroit or Mack engine? We see oil samples all the time where soot at 3.0% to 5.0% at 10,000 to 12,000 miles is common. But the FS-2500 controls soot like no other filter on the market.
Also note, these results were not achieved with the help of an expensive synthetic oil. This is affordable Walmart brand 10W40! The FS-2500 will help you maximize every dollar you spend on the lube oil maintenance for your trucks while stopping the wear in your engines!
Here is a sample of Mobil Delvac 1300 super from a CAT 3406E engine. This truck is owned and operated by Richard Pineda of Fort Collins, Colorado. Richard installed the FS-2500 filtration system on his truck in January of 2001. The latest sample on this report is from June 1, 2001, the mileage on this sample is 64,570 miles and CAT’s comments are all normal. For a sample at nearly 65,000 miles, the FS-2500 is redefining what can be considered normal.
CAT first took notice of Richard’s samples back in February of 2001 when he sent a sample in with 26,593 miles on it. When the sample was finished CAT sent him a note that said that the sample seemed too clean for oil with nearly 27,000 miles on it. Richard then told them that he was using the FS-2500 filtration system.
Caterpillars’s response was that they had never seen any filter that could safely extend oil drain intervals to these levels and that he should have his TBN tested. Caterpillar said that the TBN (Total Base Number) could not remain at acceptable levels using the FS-2500 and going this far on the oil; in fact they said that Caterpillar never wanted to see the TBN any lower than 4.5 to 5.0 and at 65,000 miles he was surely lower than that. At the bottom of this report you can see that Richards TBN was 8.0 at 65,000 miles using the FS-2500!
Customers tell us all the time that Caterpillar has told them that the FS-2500 will strip the additives right out of the oil, this of course is a false statement. Included on this page is a virgin sample of Mobil Delvac 1300 Super. Compare these additives (Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium and Zinc) to the CAT 3406E sample with 64,000 miles on it to see for yourself if the additives have been stripped out.
This oil sample is from Mike Ricci in Harvard, IL. Mike sent us some samples of his oil before the FS-2500 was installed and after the installation. Mike sent a note with his sample that said, “It’s easy to see when I put your filter on my truck. It’s doing a great job.” He’s right. Mike bought the FS-2500 on November 27, 2000 and his oil samples have made a night and day improvement after the FS-2500 was installed.
Take notice of the fuel soot; after the FS-2500 was installed Mike had an average drop in soot of 387%! Silicon was reduced by an average of 300% and viscosity is right on the money for Shell Rotella T 15W40. These results are for a 2000 Cummins ISX engine. If you are not seeing this kind of improvement in your oil samples, then give us a call. The FS-2500 Filtration System is for you!
This sample is from a Lafarge ready mix truck with a Cummins M11 engine in it. The latest sample on this report is from June 19, 2001 and has 714 hours on the sample. The analysis recommendations are all normal for this sample. The FS-2500 filtration system has allowed Lafarge to go over 700 hours per oil drain. How far are you going without the FS-2500 on your engines?
Customers tell us all the time that Caterpillar has told them that the FS-2500 will strip the additives right out of the oil. This, of course, is not true. Take a look at a virgin sample of Mobil Delvac 1300 Super and compare these additives (Magnesium, Phosphorus, Calcium and Zinc) to the Cummins M11 sample at 714 hours to see if the additives have been stripped out.
This oil sample is from James “Redeye” Stewart in Merrill, Wisconsin. This sample has 45,000 miles on the oil. Normally, a Mack engine would have a relatively large amount of soot in the sample at 10,000 miles. But by using the FS-2500, Redeye’s engine is showing a soot reading of 0.1 at 45,000 miles. The viscosity at 45,000 is 13.7 which is in the correct range for 15W40 oil. If your Mack engine isn’t this clean at 10,000 miles, don’t you think you should call us?
This is an example of Lafarge Ready Mix Trucks with and without the FS-2500 installed. After the FS-2500 was installed Lafarge successfully increased their oil drain intervals to 800 hours. At 800 hours you would have expected the wear on these engines to be much worse than at 400 hours, but as the graph shows, the FS-2500 has been quite capable of slowing the growth of the wear in these engines.
As you know, in 2002 the EPA is once again changing the emission specs for diesel engines. It is projected that these changes will greatly increase the amount of fuel soot in the oil. With this in mind, please take note of the soot level in these engines. The soot level of the engines with the FS-2500 are approximately 1/3 the amount of the soot level of those without the filter installed. In the near future the FS-2500 will be a necessity to maintain the performance of your diesel engines, new and old alike.